The Beautiful CP Holiday Train

The Beautiful CP Holiday Train | Train Fanatics Videos

As a fantastic good will measure, the Canadian Pacific Railroad runs this train every year making 150 stops in Canada and the United States raising food and cash donations for local food banks.

Starting in 1999, the Holiday Train has raised $9.5 Million Dollars in cash donations and 3.3 million pounds of food!

According to CHCH, due to the pandemic, the project went virtual this year with a star-studded concert featuring Serena Ryder and the Trews along with others. The full concert and information on how you can help is online at train.

All donations stay within the community. As a really terrific goodwill gesture, Canadian Pacific makes donations as well in addition to providing the entertainment!

If you have ever seen the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train, let us know in the comments below! Would love to hear about your experience!

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