KiwiRail Train Plowing Through Deep Snow

KiwiRail Train Plowing Through Deep Snow | Train Fanatics Videos

This is the best video ever of snow plowing!

No blades on the front of this train! Just bulldoze your way through it. Fine powder snow just blows away!

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and has a ton of snow down under. KiwiRail has a route from Christchurch to Greymouth that traverses the Aurthur Pass National Park.

The route has deep gorges and travels along the ice-fed Waimakariri River. All of this is in the middle of the island and only about 6 tenths of a mile above sea level in the South Pacific!

New Zealand has some of the most pristine winter snow conditions which is why many of our athletes train for the Olympics in her mountains. Likewise, KiwiRail is running a magnificent passenger train (the Northern Explorer and the Coastal Pacific train) with the view in mind. Specially built cars with bay windows on the side make for a breathtaking journey. Be sure to make a reservation early if you plan on going “Down Under”!

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